Search Committee reviews applications and selects semi-finalists

Dear Randolph College Community,

Happy New Year! As part of my regular updates on the Presidential Search, I wanted to report to you on the strength of the applicant pool to become the College’s 10th President. From October to November, the Presidential Search Committee solicited nominations and applications. Through the assistance of Dr. Kate Haley, our search consultant with Witt/Kieffer, we were pleased to receive a strong applicant pool. In total, we received over 100 nominations and over 90 applications.

Dr. Haley informed the Committee that she believes the pool is one of the most abundant she has seen, particularly as it relates to well-qualified candidates. The pool includes sitting presidents, provosts and deans, vice presidents from various areas of higher education, and a number of candidates from outside a traditional academic position. The pool is diverse, with strong female candidates and candidates of various races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, educational backgrounds, and relevant experiences. The Committee is pleased with the response to our call for nominations and applications.

The Committee has narrowed the pool to a smaller number of semi-finalists who in the upcoming days will be interviewed by the Search Committee in person before an even smaller number of finalists are named. As the search progresses, I will be back in touch to provide you additional updates.

I wish you the very best as the spring semester begins.


Tom Faulders
Presidential Search Committee